nebedaay: Trucks lined up to carry away salt from Kaolack's saline river coast
nebedaay: Man in an "Allah" xaftaan, Kaolack
nebedaay: At Faatu Ngaña Caam's breakfast stand, downtown Kaolack
nebedaay: At Faatu Ngaña Caam's breakfast stand, downtown Kaolack
nebedaay: A "sikkarkat" (religious chant leader) leads chants on the bus on the way to Tayba Ñaseen
nebedaay: Members of a daayira (religious association) in Medina Baay prepare to board a bus to attend the Tayba Ñaseen Gàmmu
nebedaay: Members of a daayira (religious association) in Medina Baay prepare to board a bus to attend the Tayba Ñaseen Gàmmu
nebedaay: Members of a daayira (religious association) in Medina Baay prepare to board a bus to attend the Tayba Ñaseen Gàmmu
nebedaay: Members of a daayira (religious association) in Medina Baay prepare to board a bus to attend the Tayba Ñaseen Gàmmu
nebedaay: Tombs (near building) and Mosque (far building) in Medina Baay
nebedaay: Tombs (near building) and Mosque (far building) in Medina Baay
nebedaay: Uséynu Ñas's house in Medina Baay, Kaoolack
nebedaay: Imam Shaykh Siise (Cisse) exiting the mosque, Medina Baay
nebedaay: Entrance to the tomb in Medina Baay
nebedaay: Medina Baay Mosque (right) and tomb (left)
nebedaay: Medina Baay Mosque (right) and entrance to the tomb (left)
nebedaay: Women praying at the tomb of Imam Hasan Siise (Cisse)
nebedaay: Women praying at the tombs of Alliw Siise and Baay Ñas's sons Allaaji Abdulaay and Ahmad Dam Ñas
nebedaay: Tombs of Alliw Siise and Baay Ñas's sons Allaaji Abdulaay and Ahmad Dam Ñas
nebedaay: Entrance to the tomb of Baay Ñas and his sons and close disciples
nebedaay: Baay Ñas's (Ibrahim Niass's) tomb
nebedaay: Baay Ñas's (Ibrahim Niass's) tomb
nebedaay: Baay Ñas's (Ibrahim Niass's) tomb
nebedaay: Baay Ñas's (Ibrahim Niass's) tomb
nebedaay: Medina Baay Mosque
nebedaay: Tombs of Baay Ñas, Alliw Siise, and Ñas's sons
nebedaay: Medina Baay Mosque (left) and tombs (right), Kaolack
nebedaay: Medina Baay Mosque, Kaolack
nebedaay: Medina Baay Mosque, Kaolack
nebedaay: Medina Baay Mosque, Kaolack