Neal B Johnson: One of our two fantastic guides in Galapagos
Neal B Johnson: Snoozing sea lion
Neal B Johnson: Snoozing sea lion with flipper tag
Neal B Johnson: In Puerto Ayora catching the water shuttle to Finch Bay resort
Neal B Johnson: The "Pink Floyd" water shuttle
Neal B Johnson: Puerto Ayora
Neal B Johnson: Finch Bay resort!
Neal B Johnson: Moon, cactus, and frigate bird
Neal B Johnson: Kate and Neal at Finch Bay, Galapagos
Neal B Johnson: Galapagos sunset
Neal B Johnson: Cactus silhouette
Neal B Johnson: Lava rocks...rough trail!
Neal B Johnson: Cactus
Neal B Johnson: Heron and egret at Finch Bay
Neal B Johnson: Plant growing on lava rocks
Neal B Johnson: Moon and hacienda on Galapagos at Finch Bay
Neal B Johnson: Nice spread on Galapagos at Finch Bay
Neal B Johnson: View to the Santa Cruz highlands
Neal B Johnson: Steps to Las Grietas
Neal B Johnson: Las Grietas swimming hole
Neal B Johnson: Las Grietas bathers
Neal B Johnson: Las Grietas swimming hole
Neal B Johnson: Heron in the freshwater catch
Neal B Johnson: Salt farm
Neal B Johnson: Salt flats at Finch Bay
Neal B Johnson: Nice spread on Galapagos!
Neal B Johnson: Cactus
Neal B Johnson: Public beach at Finch Bay
Neal B Johnson: Shark mural depicting "Hammerhead City" at the Finch Bay resort
Neal B Johnson: Snoozing marine iguana