Neal B Johnson: Dean introduces us to a filipino breakfast porridge
Neal B Johnson: A pound of pig head, please
Neal B Johnson: Filipino pups
Neal B Johnson: Little Sagada market dude
Neal B Johnson: Little filipino dude and his mango
Neal B Johnson: Public works at the municipal hall
Neal B Johnson: Sagada municipal hall where we hired our guide
Neal B Johnson: The jeepney departure point in Sagada
Neal B Johnson: Banga-an village kids playing a game I didn't recognize
Neal B Johnson: Steep, slippery path leading from Banga-an village to Bomodok falls
Neal B Johnson: View into the valley towards a village and Bomodok Falls
Neal B Johnson: Hilltop terraces on the other side of the valley
Neal B Johnson: Woman tending the field with her child
Neal B Johnson: Newly planted terrace
Neal B Johnson: Narrow path along rice terrace edge
Neal B Johnson: View to the valley
Neal B Johnson: Terraces in the valley
Neal B Johnson: Terraces in the valley
Neal B Johnson: Village below Banga-an
Neal B Johnson: Chris lets a local woman pass on the narrow path to Bomodok Falls
Neal B Johnson: New rice in a terrace
Neal B Johnson: Rice sprouts
Neal B Johnson: New rice
Neal B Johnson: Valley view from the edge of a rice terrace village
Neal B Johnson: Dean negotiates with the tour coordinator
Neal B Johnson: Little guy and his hand-carved top
Neal B Johnson: Check out that hand-carved top
Neal B Johnson: These kids LOVED having their picture taken
Neal B Johnson: Fancy filipino rooster
Neal B Johnson: Terraces on the hillside