Neal B Johnson: 747 coming into LAX
Neal B Johnson: L.A. sunset
Neal B Johnson: Our ritual first meal in L.A.: In-n-Out Burger
Neal B Johnson: Kate needs fries...stat!
Neal B Johnson: Outside the The Old Yacht Club B&B
Neal B Johnson: "The Gallaher" room at the Old Yacht Club B&B
Neal B Johnson: Our cozy room at the Old Yacht Club B&B
Neal B Johnson: Breakfast at the Old Yacht Club...tasty!
Neal B Johnson: The Old Yacht Club B&B main house
Neal B Johnson: Panorama of Santa Barbara beach and Channel Islands
Neal B Johnson: Chauffeur Neal
Neal B Johnson: Nutty swan cacti
Neal B Johnson: Mission Santa Barbara
Neal B Johnson: Clothes washing basin with cat/puma head
Neal B Johnson: Clothes washing basin
Neal B Johnson: Fountain
Neal B Johnson: Mission patio
Neal B Johnson: walkway
Neal B Johnson: c. 1750 Choir text
Neal B Johnson: Mission Santa Barbara courtyard garden
Neal B Johnson: palm tree
Neal B Johnson: crazy swan cactus with Kate providing a sense of scale
Neal B Johnson: Swan cactus blooms up close
Neal B Johnson: 110 year-old fig tree
Neal B Johnson: Mission graveyard markers
Neal B Johnson: Mission bell tower
Neal B Johnson: Juana Maria memorial...
Neal B Johnson: Greek revival mission!
Neal B Johnson: Mission bell tower
Neal B Johnson: View down into Santa Barbara from the Mission