Neal B Johnson: Storm delays held us in Newark waiting for the flight to London
Neal B Johnson: Our coach awaits!
Neal B Johnson: Starting the beautiful drive south to Chichester
Neal B Johnson: Arriving at the Goodwood Marriott on the Goodwood Estate
Neal B Johnson: Our friendly chauffeur
Neal B Johnson: A delicious meal was prepared for us upon our arrival at the Goodwood Marriott
Neal B Johnson: Site of the Richmond Arms Cockpit...cockfighting grounds of yore
Neal B Johnson: Goodwood pose
Neal B Johnson: Goodwood tableau
Neal B Johnson: The TV knew who I was...
Neal B Johnson: A real Mini! Notice the posh pooch in the front seat...
Neal B Johnson: The cricketers have broken for tea under an immense Lebanon cedar
Neal B Johnson: purdy flowers growing in a ditch on the Goodwood estate
Neal B Johnson: The rhododendron were in full bloom all around the Goodwood estate
Neal B Johnson: Lobby of the Goodwood Marriott
Neal B Johnson: The purple-hatted woman, Ms. Lisa Light, was the wedding planner from Destination Bride, the firm that planned the entire affair
Neal B Johnson: This combo played Gypsy-jazz tunes before the Goodwood House dinner
Neal B Johnson: Goodwood House, ancestral home to the Dukes of Richmond
Neal B Johnson: Another view of the Goodwood estate
Neal B Johnson: Tour guide in the Goodwood House
Neal B Johnson: During dinner (many courses, full french service) we were serenaded by the jazz combo
Neal B Johnson: fancy art
Neal B Johnson: Kate's hungry
Neal B Johnson: Neal and Damian
Neal B Johnson: Anne-Marie, Kate, Damian
Neal B Johnson: The dinner hall
Neal B Johnson: Washington, D.C. crew: Cat, Jim, Anne-Marie, Theresa, Damian, Mark
Neal B Johnson: More fancy art
Neal B Johnson: Still more fancy art
Neal B Johnson: George Stubbs painting