Neal B Johnson: A laptop on my lap top
Neal B Johnson: Dan "Mr. Deliverable" Brown takes some notes
Neal B Johnson: Mr. Melzer and Mr. Rotz
Neal B Johnson: Thomas spreads the Personal Info Cloud gospel
Neal B Johnson: DCIA dinner
Neal B Johnson: Thomas Vander Wal orders the Coq au vin
Neal B Johnson: Sunset in Montreal
Neal B Johnson: Random architectural detail
Neal B Johnson: Eternal Egypt Exhibit
Neal B Johnson: Nice building...
Neal B Johnson: A cozy alcove
Neal B Johnson: Cheers, m'dears!
Neal B Johnson: The Ashbys treat me to a meal
Neal B Johnson: Mags explains it all...
Neal B Johnson: The usual DCIA suspects
Neal B Johnson: Lou sets up an EIA methodology straw man
Neal B Johnson: The restaurant in the Hotel Fairmont, The Queen Elizabeth
Neal B Johnson: Random patterns
Neal B Johnson: The lunch crowd 1
Neal B Johnson: The lunch crowd 2
Neal B Johnson: Conference Chicken...done reasonably well
Neal B Johnson: James and Becky strain to hear themselves think...
Neal B Johnson: DCIA hits the town
Neal B Johnson: Pasta as IA deliverable?
Neal B Johnson: Steel and Glass, Brick and Stone
Neal B Johnson: Mary, Queen of the World domes
Neal B Johnson: Skyline at night
Neal B Johnson: A room with a view...
Neal B Johnson: Night lights
Neal B Johnson: Montreal Streetscape