neal.walker: Yangon
neal.walker: IMG_9166
neal.walker: IMG_9165
neal.walker: Meditation Maze from the outside
neal.walker: Walking the meditation maze
neal.walker: Views from the top
neal.walker: Hiking Mt. Zwekabin
neal.walker: Cave Canoeing
neal.walker: Lumbini Garden 2
neal.walker: Lumbini Garden
neal.walker: Taking a Break
neal.walker: IMG_9134
neal.walker: Balancing Rock
neal.walker: A lot of the caves in Hpa-An had really intricate detailing
neal.walker: Marveling at the Buddhas
neal.walker: Meditating
neal.walker: Hpa-an Cave 2
neal.walker: One of Hpa-An's Caves
neal.walker: Sunset in Hpa-an
neal.walker: Mt. Kyaikhto
neal.walker: Fishing
neal.walker: Inle Lake
neal.walker: Beautiful Colors of Inle Lake
neal.walker: FIshing as the sun goes down
neal.walker: IMG_7344
neal.walker: IMG_7338
neal.walker: Hiking one of the less-used trails
neal.walker: Lunchtime View
neal.walker: Lotus Cloth Shop
neal.walker: Navigating the Canals