nihilsineDeo: Touching clouds
nihilsineDeo: A golden moment
nihilsineDeo: Culorile toamnei / Season's colors
nihilsineDeo: Time lapse of clouds
nihilsineDeo: Petroșanii și munții / The mighty town of Petroșani :)
nihilsineDeo: De dor / Missing you
nihilsineDeo: Din senin / Out of the blue
nihilsineDeo: The beautiful snow / Zăpada ce trecu peste noi
nihilsineDeo: Looking on the bright side - Raza de bucurie
nihilsineDeo: Doi prieteni / Friends
nihilsineDeo: Keep on walking / La pas
nihilsineDeo: Today's sunset / Apusul de azi
nihilsineDeo: Golden hour / Ora de aur
nihilsineDeo: last gaze
nihilsineDeo: Un, deux, trois, quatre... printemps
nihilsineDeo: In the sun (in Parang mountains)
nihilsineDeo: Din când în când - câte-o rază de soare (Time and time again we get some rays of light)
nihilsineDeo: It's ccccold!!
nihilsineDeo: Undeva / In the middle of nowhere
nihilsineDeo: Meleagurile noastre (our lands)
nihilsineDeo: Steps to a sunrise
nihilsineDeo: Sunset under your flight
nihilsineDeo: Life in the mountains (hay stacks)
nihilsineDeo: Forgotten cross
nihilsineDeo: Sun sets beween clouds
nihilsineDeo: Bow of mountain peaks
nihilsineDeo: Panoramic view
nihilsineDeo: Cârja Peak (Parâng Mountains) (Romania)
nihilsineDeo: Frozen technology
nihilsineDeo: Snow+trees