nihilsineDeo: Bottoms up
nihilsineDeo: Scara din castel / Spiral Staircase
nihilsineDeo: Une photo qui veut rien dire
nihilsineDeo: Un fel de... bancă | The bench a fat bear sat on
nihilsineDeo: Cu capul în nori | Out of the blue
nihilsineDeo: Oglindă, oglinjoară ... / Testing my new cheap Canon tele-lenses
nihilsineDeo: Nu-mă-uita / Forget-me-not (Miosotis silvatica)
nihilsineDeo: Sometimes I see life as a twist of thread / Ghemul...vieții :)
nihilsineDeo: Paper hearts / Inimi de hârtie
nihilsineDeo: lazy Sunday?
nihilsineDeo: When love withers as a flower... / Când dragostea se stinge precum o floare
nihilsineDeo: Late night study with flowers by my side / Studiu cu flori
nihilsineDeo: withered rose
nihilsineDeo: someone's studying
nihilsineDeo: Little things that bring joy (flowers on my balcony)
nihilsineDeo: only silence
nihilsineDeo: Walnuts at sunset
nihilsineDeo: spider web
nihilsineDeo: book in flowers
nihilsineDeo: church cross
nihilsineDeo: Orange beauty
nihilsineDeo: Silence
nihilsineDeo: Lonely
nihilsineDeo: Scattered words
nihilsineDeo: Three chess pieces - macro
nihilsineDeo: Coffee shop in Rotterdam
nihilsineDeo: au boulot ! (at work)
nihilsineDeo: Nothing lasts forever - rust (macro mondays)
nihilsineDeo: Mystery of the kitchen (macro mondays)