n.dukay: Pre-Tet festivities at Chu Giao & Tata Long's
n.dukay: the guys are loving Banh's HD TV
n.dukay: Double Hello Kitty Love...
n.dukay: the family that gambles together, stays together :)
n.dukay: Dealer Dao
n.dukay: danh bai! (sp?)
n.dukay: booboo's ready to gamble!
n.dukay: like a pro
n.dukay: hi, boobsie
n.dukay: gettin' down to business
n.dukay: Di Stella and Boobs eating melon seeds
n.dukay: Watching Tet DVD's with Ba Ngoai
n.dukay: red for good luck!
n.dukay: a little teary because she just woke up from a nap
n.dukay: my little sweetheart <3
n.dukay: Chuc Tet Ong-Ba Ngoai
n.dukay: Chuc Tet Mommy & Daddy
n.dukay: Tet with Ong-Ba Ngoai
n.dukay: Family Picture!
n.dukay: the lovely ladies <3
n.dukay: Yay for li xi!!
n.dukay: Booboo with her Ba Co's and Ba Ngoai
n.dukay: hi, girls!
n.dukay: Our family :)
n.dukay: action-packed Tet
n.dukay: chillin'
n.dukay: Chuc Tet Ong Chu, Ba Co and Di Banh
n.dukay: all the lovely ladies <3
n.dukay: this one's too funny, it had to stay ;)
n.dukay: love this one with all the guys