N Dave Johnson: out in the country cloud watching
N Dave Johnson: watching the clouds
N Dave Johnson: it was a beauty
N Dave Johnson: power lines are in the way
N Dave Johnson: over the trees
N Dave Johnson: highway view
N Dave Johnson: rain coming across the bay
N Dave Johnson: Water tower
N Dave Johnson: puffy sky
N Dave Johnson: Nickel Beach 3
N Dave Johnson: Nickel Beach 22
N Dave Johnson: Nickel Beach
N Dave Johnson: Waterspout Port - 4
N Dave Johnson: Waterspout Port - 3
N Dave Johnson: waterspout makers
N Dave Johnson: Waterspout Port - 2
N Dave Johnson: Waterspout off of Port Colborne
N Dave Johnson: ADM Milling and Southpier - 4
N Dave Johnson: ADM Milling and Southpier - 3
N Dave Johnson: ADM Milling and Southpier - 2
N Dave Johnson: ADM Milling and Southpier - 1
N Dave Johnson: down the canal
N Dave Johnson: look to the east
N Dave Johnson: end of the dock
N Dave Johnson: clouds over ADM and the elevator
N Dave Johnson: Tuesday, August 22 7
N Dave Johnson: Tuesday, August 22 6
N Dave Johnson: Tuesday, August 22 5