NicoledeB: Youth from Boston Food and Fitness Collaborative
NicoledeB: Boston Food & Fitness Collaborative Readies for a Photo Shoot
NicoledeB: WKKF VP, Communications Joanne K. Krell and Lee Zukor of Simple Tasty Good
NicoledeB: Anne Tillery, Ricardo Salvador, Gail Christopher
NicoledeB: Kim O'Donnel is awesome
NicoledeB: Linda Jo Doctor and Ralph Loglisci in foreground, Tom Laskaway and WK Kellogg Foundation CEO Sterling K. Speirn
NicoledeB: Stephanie Ogburn and Paula Crossfield
NicoledeB: hello arizona
NicoledeB: flora-litas
NicoledeB: ombre-lito
NicoledeB: mesquite-o-lito
NicoledeB: agave-lito
NicoledeB: Bird house, desert style
NicoledeB: Beautiful geometry
NicoledeB: Dawn swim with the duckies
NicoledeB: Sunset
NicoledeB: Sunset at the stables
NicoledeB: The view from Happy Jack (I swear this horse was channeling my cat Marco)
NicoledeB: Good for the goose
NicoledeB: tshirt of the day: fruitanthropy
NicoledeB: tread lightly and carry a rake
NicoledeB: water in the desert
NicoledeB: pink
NicoledeB: sidewinding