NCStateDesign: Rice farm on outskirts of capital, Antananarivo.
NCStateDesign: Rice farm on outskirts of capital, Antananarivo.
NCStateDesign: Antananarivo
NCStateDesign: Rice fields and rural housing of central highlands
NCStateDesign: Cultivated silk cocoons drying
NCStateDesign: Wild silk cocoons in various stages of preparation
NCStateDesign: Weaver modeling one of her silk shawls
NCStateDesign: Stacking wild cocoons to prepare for boiling
NCStateDesign: Stacking wild cocoons to prepare for boiling
NCStateDesign: Family of weavers/rice farmers
NCStateDesign: Mother (weaver/rice farmer) and her child
NCStateDesign: 70 year old weaver Ramalene gestures towards her son, who lives in one of the two houses she built with proceeds from only 3 days of sales at the Santa Fe Folk Art Market
NCStateDesign: Ramalene's granddaughters
NCStateDesign: Menja and her silk thread
NCStateDesign: Weaver Menja and Peace Corps volunteer Natalie react to my question about Natalie's imminent departure
NCStateDesign: Weaver's daughters, future leaders
NCStateDesign: Weaver's daughters, future leaders
NCStateDesign: Weaver preparing silk thread
NCStateDesign: Family tomb that will opened for Famadihana ("turning of the bones") and a corpse taking into the sunlight for 4-5 days of celebration
NCStateDesign: Central highlands
NCStateDesign: Peace Corps worker Natalie using cardboard video camera David Evans had them make to prepare the weavers for his camera crew's arrival
NCStateDesign: Mural map painted by Peace Corps worker in his village
NCStateDesign: An ox cart travels past a stone memorial
NCStateDesign: Rice fields and rural housing of central highlands
NCStateDesign: 70 year old Ramalene dries her day's rice harvest
NCStateDesign: Rice fields, central highlands
NCStateDesign: Weavers Filbertine and Prisca take cocoons to river for washing. The women are from different tribes and belonging to the same weaving cooperative lessens those tensions.
NCStateDesign: Washing laundry in the rice fields
NCStateDesign: Boys beat harvested rice on wooden drum to separate rice kernels from stalk
NCStateDesign: Weavers turning wild cocoons into silk thread using drop spindles