ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson goes over his notes backstage before being introduced to the Stewart Theatre audience.
ncsuweb: Prior to introducing the chancellor at the Fall Fourm, Board of Trustees chair Jim Owens applauds the volunteers that make NC State great.
ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson delivers his annual address to a crowd of faculty, staff, alumni and students.
ncsuweb: Board of Trustees, Board of Governors, Foundation Board members and guests listen during the Fall Forum.
ncsuweb: An interpreter delivers Chancellor Randy Woodson's speech to the hard of hearing.
ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson delivers his annual State of NC State address at the Fall Forum in Stewart Theatre.
ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson speaks in Stewart Theatre.
ncsuweb: NC State alumnus and SAS co-founder Jim Goodnight listens to the chancellor's fall address.
ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson makes a point.