ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson poses with student speaker Bethaney Lewis before commencement exercises.
ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson congratulates students as they enter PNC Arena for commencement exercises.
ncsuweb: Graduate shoots a video as the platform party enters PNC Arena for Commencement.
ncsuweb: ROTC present the colors during graduation cermony.
ncsuweb: Graduates watch the jumbotron above them at PNC Arena during Commencement.
ncsuweb: Grains of Time perform.
ncsuweb: Board of Trustees chair Ben Jenkins congratulates the day's graduates.
ncsuweb: A students beams with happiness upon finding her family in the audience at commencement.
ncsuweb: Sea of mortar boards at commencement,
ncsuweb: Board of Governors reprentative and NC State alumnus, David Powers, addresses the crowd.
ncsuweb: Dr. George Whitesides receives an honorary degree at commencement.
ncsuweb: TV host and CHASS alumnus Vivian Howard shares a story with the commencement audience.
ncsuweb: Students listen to commencement speaker Vivian Howard.
ncsuweb: Fall Commencement 2014 in PNC Arena.
ncsuweb: Speaker Vivian Howard shares a funny story with the commencement audience.
ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson congratulates a student receiving her graduate degree at commencement.
ncsuweb: CNR dean Mary Watzin confers degrees to her students.
ncsuweb: Graduate shows off her holiday spirit with a bow on top of her mortar board at Commencement.
ncsuweb: Mortar board art at commencement 2014.
ncsuweb: Mortar board art at commencement 2014.
ncsuweb: Mortar board art at commencement 2014.
ncsuweb: Mortar board art at commencement 2014.
ncsuweb: Mortar board art at commencement 2014.
ncsuweb: Mortar board art at commencement 2014.
ncsuweb: Mortar board art at commencement 2014.
ncsuweb: Ladies in Red perform at commencement
ncsuweb: A single green balloon makes a grad easier to spot in the crowd.
ncsuweb: Student speaker Bethaney Lewis thanks her mother and grandmother for all they did for her.
ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson applauds ROTC graduates during commencement exercises.
ncsuweb: A tassle, waiting to be turned.