ncsuweb: The grass is mowed and ready for the crowd at the annual Turfgrass Field Day.
ncsuweb: Dean Baker of Kinston Country Club (right) shows off some images on his iPad.
ncsuweb: Name tags await attendees from across the State of North Carolina and the nation at the Turfgrass Field Day.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass industry leaders and NC State faculty chat before the start of the annual Turfgrass Field Day.
ncsuweb: Lanyards piled high for Turfgrass Field Day name tags.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendee makes his plan for which on-site seminars he plans to attend.
ncsuweb: New tall fescues on display at the Turfgrass Field Day.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendee snaps a photo of grass on display.
ncsuweb: Crop Science department head Dr. Jeff Mullahey (center) chats with turfgrass industry leaders and turfgrass faculty prior to the start of the annual Turfgrass Field Day.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass management staffer Gators past Field Day attendees before the start of the annual event.TURF.FieldDay.6391
ncsuweb: Empire Turf zoysia sod piled high on display at Turfgrass Field Day.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees discuss their plan for which on-site seminars they will to attend.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendee takes a break between seminars and goes over her notes.
ncsuweb: Dr. Art Bruneau, Executive Director of North Carolina Sod Producers Association, chats with attendees prior to the start of the annual turfgrass event.
ncsuweb: NC Dept. of Agriculture Assistant Commissioner for Agricultural Services Dr. Richard Reich brings greetings to attendees of the annual Turfgrass Field Day from Commissioner Steve Troxler.
ncsuweb: Professor of Entomology Rick Brandenburg and Dan Bowman officially kick off Turfgrass Field Day.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees listen during the 'Evaluation of the New Tall Fescues' session.
ncsuweb: Rob Richardson speaks on 'Aquatic Weed Management for Irrigation Ponds.'
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees listen as NC State faculty speak on grass breeding.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees listen at different stations set up around the Lake Wheeler turfgrass facility.
ncsuweb: Crop Science graduate students Esdras Carbajal (left) and Jenny Kimball (right) give their part of the 'Breeding for stress tolerance and pest resistance in warm-season grasses' presentation.
ncsuweb: Crop Science Department turf specialist Grady Miller talks about 'Evaluation of the New Tall Fescues' as attendees check out the grass.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees listen as NC State faculty speak on grass breeding.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees listen and take notes during the talk 'Aquatic Weed Management for Irrigation Ponds.'
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees attend seminars located around the Lake Wheeler Turfgrass Research facility.
ncsuweb: Assistant Professor in turfgrass breeding and genetics Susana Milla-Lewis speaks during her 'Breeding for stress tolerance and pest resistance in warm-season grasses' presentation.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees attend on-site seminars located around the Lake Wheeler Turfgrass Research facility.
ncsuweb: Professor of Entomology Rick Brandenburg leads the talk ';Kill a Bug, Save the Plane' during Turfgrass Field Day.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees attend on-site seminars located around the Lake Wheeler Turfgrass Research facility.
ncsuweb: Turfgrass Field Day attendees gather around Fred Yelverton as he leads the topic 'New Herbicide Technologies for Turfgrass Weed Management.'