ncsuweb: NC State Alumni Affairs earned a pizza party by becoming the first group to achieve 100% participation in the State Employees Combined Campaign.
ncsuweb: Randy Hamm flashes his Wolfpack pride as he accepts his Week 4 prize.
ncsuweb: The Cashier's Office holds a bake sale to generate donations for the State Employees Combined Campaign.
ncsuweb: Sandy Konyesni (third from right) was the Cashier's Office prize-winner for Week 4 of the Combined Campaign.
ncsuweb: Keith Emrick, College of Textiles, accepts a gift card as his Week 4 prize.
ncsuweb: Keith Emrick of the College of Textiles supports the "I give" campaign.
ncsuweb: Hattie Rhodes, Dining and Catering Operations, accepts her Week 4 State Employees Combined Campaign prize.
ncsuweb: David Dixon of First Year College accepts his Week 4 prize from Hilda Renfrow.
ncsuweb: Jim Klinger displays his prize from Week 4 of the State Employees Combined Campaign.
ncsuweb: Wendy Cox (right) and Sea Grant support the State Employees Combined Campaign.
ncsuweb: Shannon James, Human Resources, receives a Week 4 prize from Hilda Renfrow.
ncsuweb: Chancellor Randy Woodson supports the State Employees Combined Campaign.
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