Nima Badiey: Enough caffeine to fuel 80 coders for 48 hours
Nima Badiey: More refreshments
Nima Badiey: Fridge is stocked with beer
Nima Badiey: Lounge area next to kitchen
Nima Badiey: The Wii is setup
Nima Badiey: Wii remote
Nima Badiey: Wii remote control
Nima Badiey: Conference goat
Nima Badiey: Goats head looks on
Nima Badiey: wireless office ready to handle 80+ developers
Nima Badiey: Wirelss is up and running
Nima Badiey: Bryan Cantrill
Nima Badiey: Bryan Cantrill
Nima Badiey: Ryan Dahl
Nima Badiey: Ryan Dahl
Nima Badiey: Ryan Dahl
Nima Badiey: goodie bags
Nima Badiey: Joyent banner
Nima Badiey: Joyent welcomes node.js knockout
Nima Badiey: Joyent banner
Nima Badiey: meeting room 2
Nima Badiey: meeting room 3
Nima Badiey: meeting room 4
Nima Badiey: Node.js Knockout Prep
Nima Badiey: Node.js Knockout Prepatations
Nima Badiey: ping pong table
Nima Badiey: ping pong
Nima Badiey: table
Nima Badiey: ping pong
Nima Badiey: ping pong