Brian Leon Photography: Bryan Gill looms over Cindy
Brian Leon Photography: Looking very touristy
Brian Leon Photography: Finally meeting Cindy
Brian Leon Photography: Driving through the neighbourhood
Brian Leon Photography: Jet Ski Closeup
Brian Leon Photography: Showing a dance step
Brian Leon Photography: Checking out the sign directions
Brian Leon Photography: Mackenzie Day
Brian Leon Photography: Mackenzie on the stairs
Brian Leon Photography: Ready for her recital
Brian Leon Photography: Madeleine all made up for the recital
Brian Leon Photography: Driving Away
Brian Leon Photography: Into their eyes
Brian Leon Photography: Cindy and Madeleine
Brian Leon Photography: All together
Brian Leon Photography: Madeleine and Cindy
Brian Leon Photography: Cindy and I ... and in the reflection Bryan
Brian Leon Photography: Cindy at the truck
Brian Leon Photography: The Jet ski
Brian Leon Photography: The Toyota Tundra
Brian Leon Photography: The Big Trailer
Brian Leon Photography: Cindy with Patrick