Nicholas Cahill: Names Cliff
Nicholas Cahill: Front yard ;(
Nicholas Cahill: Those lucky enough to learn
Nicholas Cahill: Boat on local beach in Haiti
Nicholas Cahill: Lovin the lens
Nicholas Cahill: typical market in Haiti
Nicholas Cahill: Lost a shoe, lost a family, lost a life
Nicholas Cahill: Home upon home upon home..
Nicholas Cahill: Dirty Market
Nicholas Cahill: Happy, sad all in one
Nicholas Cahill: Newyork yard
Nicholas Cahill: Chicken and plantains
Nicholas Cahill: homes/tents same thing in Haiti
Nicholas Cahill: Art classes provided by Global Volunteer Network
Nicholas Cahill: tears of joy
Nicholas Cahill: Loved this kid!
Nicholas Cahill: IMG_4520
Nicholas Cahill: IMG_4518
Nicholas Cahill: IMG_4517
Nicholas Cahill: IMG_4582
Nicholas Cahill: IMG_4509
Nicholas Cahill: IMG_4506
Nicholas Cahill: IMG_4621