nbuxton: IMGP2842 (1)
nbuxton: IMGP2845
nbuxton: IMGP3022_cr
nbuxton: waxing crescent moon
nbuxton: IMGP5945c
nbuxton: IMGP6352cr
nbuxton: IMGP6547c
nbuxton: IMGP7970C
nbuxton: Early evening moon, 50% full
nbuxton: "Super" Harvest Moon
nbuxton: Early morning moon
nbuxton: Waning Gibbous Moon
nbuxton: Winter Solstice Total Lunar Eclipse - First Half
nbuxton: Winter Solstice Total Lunar Eclipse
nbuxton: Winter Solstice Total Lunar Eclipse - Second Half
nbuxton: Waxing Crescent Moon - 22% full
nbuxton: Teleconverted fun with the Moon
nbuxton: Waxing Gibbous Moon - 93% full
nbuxton: Early evening moon in the clouds
nbuxton: Waxing Gibbous moon - 84% full
nbuxton: Crescent Moon
nbuxton: Waxing Gibbous Moon - 73% full
nbuxton: December 2011 Total Lunar Eclipse
nbuxton: Moondogs
nbuxton: Moon
nbuxton: Crescent moon over Venus and Jupiter
nbuxton: Moon
nbuxton: Harvest Moon
nbuxton: Harvest Moon
nbuxton: Harvest Moon