nbsinyk: 116/365 -
nbsinyk: A tulip and a dome
nbsinyk: An old friend poses
nbsinyk: YWCA Building
nbsinyk: Tulips on the square
nbsinyk: 00X4RL12 039
nbsinyk: Magnoilias
nbsinyk: Street Pulse Seller
nbsinyk: 117/365 - Ominous bird in flight picture
nbsinyk: Against van windows
nbsinyk: Looking out II
nbsinyk: Looking Out I
nbsinyk: Playing around
nbsinyk: 00X4RL12 148b
nbsinyk: Lunch break stroll
nbsinyk: M&I Flag
nbsinyk: 118/365 - A reflection I hadn't caught before
nbsinyk: Tulips in blur II
nbsinyk: Tulips in blur
nbsinyk: 00X4RL12 187
nbsinyk: 5 (m.p.h.)
nbsinyk: Tulips
nbsinyk: Dandelions
nbsinyk: Smokestacks
nbsinyk: 119/365 - With a fisheye everybody (looks like they're having) has more fun
nbsinyk: Vicki
nbsinyk: Nice pose with the obligatory tongue shot.
nbsinyk: Ready for her closeup
nbsinyk: Cup knocked over
nbsinyk: De-focused