nbcuatces: Mark Lukasiewicz blogging at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Michael Kaufman from Technogorilla.com blogging inside the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Jim Louderback of Revision3 uploading some video at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: CC Chapman visits the NBCU HUB for the 1st time at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Alan Weinkratz and Jeff Paul chat it up at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Paul Hochman being held hostage by SyFy girl at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Paul Hochman and Walt Ribeiro chatting inside the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Jack Morton blogs it up at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Darren Kitchen of Hak5 plays with the RED Scarlet at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Gia Pace blogging at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Melissa Kondak blogging at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Gia Pace and Paul Tobias in the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Ted Schilowitz from RED blogs at the NBCU HUB CES 2011
nbcuatces: Christen Rochon Divas and Dorks blogging at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Luke Turcotte of Hack College blogs at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Cali Lewis (@Calilewis) visits the HUB inside the NBC Universal booth at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Jeff Paul visits the HUB inside the NBC Universal booth at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Mark Lukasiewicz and Paul Hochman talking mobile apps at the HUB
nbcuatces: Paul Hochman blogs at the NBCU HUB at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Now blogging in the #nbcuces HUB is @colleenlerro from @intlces #ces
nbcuatces: Gia Pace NBCU CES 2011
nbcuatces: Alan Weinkrantz blogs from the HUB at the NBC Universal booth at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Aubrey O'Day Blogging from the HUB at NBCU at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Darren Kitchen Hak5 blogs at the HUB at NBCU at CES 2011
nbcuatces: Patrick Roanhouse from Plan8 visits the HUB at NBCU CES 2011
nbcuatces: Rob Blatt The Adult Nerd blogs at the HUB at NBCU CES 2011
nbcuatces: Our friend CC Chapman came to blog at the HUB at NBCU CES 2011
nbcuatces: Anthony Quintano with the Bui Brothers at The HUB inside the NBC Universal booth at CES
nbcuatces: Here in the #nbcuces booth @melissakondak monitors the #ces hashtag
nbcuatces: The HUB is in full effect with Paul Hochman and Cynthia McArthur