NazUniversity: “Allyn,” from the series A Modern-Day Diana
NazUniversity: “Martha,” from the series A Modern-Day Diana
NazUniversity: “Poala,” from the series A Modern-Day Diana
NazUniversity: “Cheryl,” from the series A Modern-Day Diana
NazUniversity: “Ryan,” from the series A Far Cry
NazUniversity: “Farley,” from the series A Far Cry
NazUniversity: “Untitled #2,” from the series Mismeasure of Woman
NazUniversity: “Christine,” from the series The Power of Suggestion
NazUniversity: “Kristin,” from the series The Power of Suggestion
NazUniversity: “Jenn, St. Michaels Shipwright,” from the series The Female Mariners Project
NazUniversity: “Megan, close-up spreaders,” from the series The Female Mariners Project