nayrb7: in germany they have 'honor system' flower/produce stands
nayrb7: there are cameras watching inside, of course
nayrb7: in germany, the smurfs are still used to sell shit
nayrb7: in germany, mustard comes in tubes
nayrb7: mutti's side table
nayrb7: elephant puzzle
nayrb7: pussy drawing on magnetic board
nayrb7: mmm... filling
nayrb7: mmm... german breakfasts
nayrb7: mmm... pegge hopper print mugs
nayrb7: mmm... german breakfast meats
nayrb7: mmm... knoblauch sauce
nayrb7: aika on bricks
nayrb7: look at the butt in the harnass
nayrb7: the sun will blind you and then you'll fall down
nayrb7: is an awesome place
nayrb7: aika on grass
nayrb7: aika hunts for pumpkin
nayrb7: aika goes in for the kill
nayrb7: aika runs off with the kill
nayrb7: aika kills the kill
nayrb7: mmm... german breakfast!
nayrb7: mmm... mutti's hühnersuppe mit eierstich!
nayrb7: mmm... next-day pasta!
nayrb7: '90s german ad relic #4
nayrb7: '90s german ad relic #3
nayrb7: '90s german ad relic #2
nayrb7: the nordsee starfish is cute!
nayrb7: 'harry p. otter!'
nayrb7: ugly wannabe military hats @ karstadt