naxoc: 95: Cat not scared of leek
naxoc: 96: Catbro sniffing the air
naxoc: 94: Sunday roast
naxoc: 93: Cheese sandwich from Borough Market
naxoc: 90: Projector tablet
naxoc: 89: New phone
naxoc: 88: Cross stitched owl
naxoc: 87: Home again
naxoc: 86: Cooking class with Marika
naxoc: 85: Kitty- The Keeper of the Castle
naxoc: 84: Panorama from the tower in San Giorgio Maggiore
naxoc: 83: Canals in Venice
naxoc: 82: St. Marks basilica
naxoc: 79: Danish pipe smoking championship 2016
naxoc: 78: Pillowshopping in IKEA
naxoc: 77: Stangdennis
naxoc: 76: Panda on the pea
naxoc: 75: Notebook doodles
naxoc: 74: Københavns Hovedbanegård
naxoc: 73: Bullet journal day header
naxoc: 72: Leuchtturm 1917
naxoc: 71: Track at my old school
naxoc: 70: Religious headgear
naxoc: 67: Chess shot glasses
naxoc: 66: Weird bear?
naxoc: 64: Good manners at Le Petit in Torvehallern
naxoc: 63: Rum tasting
naxoc: 62: Angustura
naxoc: 61: Trophy deer
naxoc: 60: Dinner was simple today