naxoc: 133/365: Toast smothered in rootbeet kisses
naxoc: 138/365: Alley in Gamla Stan
naxoc: 137/365: Beware of garlic
naxoc: 136/365: Mac Dock kitchen shelf
naxoc: 135/365: Sky and stone
naxoc: 134/365: Coffee pyramid is growing
naxoc: 139/365: Tapir desktop times 2
naxoc: 143/365: Snow in spring
naxoc: 142/365: Sausage @ Mikkeler
naxoc: 141/365: Looking into the blue vase
naxoc: 140/365: Red, red rhododendron
naxoc: 144/365: G-strings from Greenland
naxoc: 145/365: Green pizza
naxoc: 146/365: Nodeone hairband
naxoc: 151/365: Beer slush ice
naxoc: 150/365: Hipster headphones
naxoc: 149/365: 3 kilos of mean dog
naxoc: 148/365: Pony lounging
naxoc: 147/365: My niece Mia on her confirmation day
naxoc: 152/152: OMG Noodleland!
naxoc: 153/365: The only thing my phone did for 20 hours