naxoc: 111/365: Yummy burger
naxoc: 114/365: Photos on the wall
naxoc: 113/365: Empress Addi at her 40th
naxoc: 114/365: Cup holder that looks like Hitler
naxoc: 115/365: Rain on the window
naxoc: 116/365: Killing the hardisk un-softly
naxoc: 117/365: Green agave ready to open
naxoc: 120/365: Balls and American flag
naxoc: 119/365: Roller Derby!
naxoc: 118/365: Nyhavn
naxoc: 112/365: Green light
naxoc: 122/365: Onion with roots in a jar
naxoc: 124/365: Almond blossom
naxoc: 123/365: Burning the cake
naxoc: 126/365: Trees loving spring
naxoc: 127/365: Yes. I'm looking at you, Human.
naxoc: 129/365: Viola tricolor
naxoc: 128/365: Tagged lights
naxoc: 130/365: Prism on metal and background shrub
naxoc: 131/365: Huge asparagus with dried viola tricolor
naxoc: 132/365: The horrorphone