navygreen: Lily's pumpkin picture.
navygreen: John's pumpkin picture.
navygreen: John & Catherine in the pumpkins.
navygreen: He was clapping for us.
navygreen: A.J. & Jack check out the map.
navygreen: John's still in the pumpkins.
navygreen: Token artsy picture.
navygreen: John checks out the goats.
navygreen: Lily feeds a goat.
navygreen: Catherine & John with the goats.
navygreen: Catherine was grinning like crazy.
navygreen: Lily loved feeding the goats (much to her Mama's chagrin).
navygreen: Jack feeding a goat.
navygreen: The goat was sticking out his tongue to catch the pieces of food.
navygreen: Billy the Goat.
navygreen: John with Philip.
navygreen: Bewitched Lily.
navygreen: How tall is John?
navygreen: THIS tall!
navygreen: Lily and Marissa with the pumpkins.
navygreen: Johnny scrambled into the pumpkins again, too.