navygreen: The office
navygreen: View of the office
navygreen: The rest of the office
navygreen: The boys stand against the cut-out wall in the entryway
navygreen: The entry hall closet
navygreen: The dining room
navygreen: From the dining room, looking to the office and the kitchen door
navygreen: The arctic entryway
navygreen: And again, with the door open this time
navygreen: Looking into the kitchen from the dining room
navygreen: Window view from the office
navygreen: My gorgeous new kitchen!
navygreen: One side of the kitchen, with the breakfast/homework bar
navygreen: The other side of the kitchen
navygreen: View of the kitchen from the living room
navygreen: Partial view of the living room from the kitchen
navygreen: The nice, really high ceiling'd living room
navygreen: View from the living room of part of the kitchen and hallway
navygreen: The hallway view from the living room
navygreen: The 1/2 stairwell leading down to the basement
navygreen: The indoor storage room in the hallway, located right next to the stairwell to the basement
navygreen: View of the basement from the foot of the stairs
navygreen: View of the basement from the far corner
navygreen: Kiki hiding in a shelf (poor, scared kitty!)
navygreen: A better view of the fantastic basement cabinets and sink area
navygreen: The 1/2 stairwell leading to the upstairs
navygreen: View of the hallway from inside A.J.'s bedroom door
navygreen: A.J.'s bedroom from the hallway
navygreen: More of A.J.'s room
navygreen: Bath closet in the upstairs hallway