navygreen: The cake
navygreen: Marissa and Lily
navygreen: Catherine and Heather check out the pool
navygreen: Marissa and Lily
navygreen: Catherine's not keen on getting in the pool
navygreen: But her Mama is so happy anyway
navygreen: Jack on the Slip 'n Slide
navygreen: Amelia and Jeannie
navygreen: Catherine, Heather and Marissa
navygreen: Claudia checks out the Slip 'n Slide
navygreen: Josie in the pool
navygreen: Ava tries to catch some water
navygreen: Lily and Marissa watching all the action
navygreen: Jack and Ava on the Slip 'n Slide
navygreen: Jack floats a ducky in the water at the end of the slide
navygreen: Josie and Ava walk down the Slide
navygreen: Catherine yums on some watermelon
navygreen: Marissa gives Lily some watermelon, too
navygreen: Josie is having fun
navygreen: Lily gums some watermelon
navygreen: Josie is done with the water play
navygreen: Catherine shares chips from Lelia's plate
navygreen: Cutie Amelia
navygreen: AJ lines all the duckies up in the pool