navygreen: Close-up of the inscription
navygreen: Close-up of the trophy top
navygreen: Jack's trophy and certificate
navygreen: A proud 'Orange Tiger' - you think?!
navygreen: Jack with his teammate, Rocco
navygreen: Posing with his awards
navygreen: Tigers' award presentation
navygreen: Getting some snacks from Celeste
navygreen: The Tigers suffered their first loss in their last game: 7-5
navygreen: Handshakes and "Good games."
navygreen: Joseph, Jack and Celeste
navygreen: It's REALLY HOT out here. Can't you tell?
navygreen: It's, um...
navygreen: Whew.
navygreen: (Airball!)
navygreen: Jack throws the ball in
navygreen: High-fives all around afterwards
navygreen: Celeste's goal
navygreen: Joseph's powerfull kick-in
navygreen: Waiting for the ball to come back into play
navygreen: He fights for possession so he can pass it to his teammates
navygreen: Git-r-done, right?