navygreen: Josie is starving
navygreen: Jack and Nicole, coming to the end
navygreen: Waving from the front of the tubing line
navygreen: Nicole and Jack beneath the waterfall
navygreen: Nicole gets the cold water!
navygreen: A.J., Jack and Nicole
navygreen: Rafting down the river
navygreen: Nicole drifts among strangers
navygreen: A fast ending!
navygreen: Waiting again - this time with Bunny Ears. :-)
navygreen: And just after washing out the slide
navygreen: A.J. and Nicole at the top of the stairs for the tube slides
navygreen: Philip lines up a shot
navygreen: This was actually rebound shot... but it looks like it went in, right?
navygreen: Heather2 laughs as Andy goes underwater
navygreen: Josie makes a slam dunk
navygreen: Some b-ball in the pool
navygreen: A.J. relaxes after making it across
navygreen: A.J.'s turn
navygreen: Jack crosses the Lily Pads
navygreen: A.J., Heather2 and Josie
navygreen: Jack and Philip on a dual raft
navygreen: Heather2 and Josie
navygreen: Getting on the rafts for a float
navygreen: Jack with the Thomas Family
navygreen: Heather2 and Josie
navygreen: The waterfall crashing down