navygreen: Basket of eggs, ready to be made into art
navygreen: Eggs and onion skins soaking
navygreen: Wrapped in the wet skin
navygreen: Tied tightly with a nylon
navygreen: Dropped into boiling water
navygreen: First batch of marbled eggs from onion skins
navygreen: And three more from a second batch
navygreen: Dry onion skins and an egg
navygreen: Getting ready for a different technique
navygreen: Boiling down the papery onion skins
navygreen: The botanicals I chose
navygreen: Tied tightly against the eggs
navygreen: Boiling in the onion skin dye
navygreen: Voila!
navygreen: Before shining with a bit of oil
navygreen: Masterpieces
navygreen: Imprinted with a delphinium flower
navygreen: A baby's breath egg in the center
navygreen: Petals from baby carnations
navygreen: A 'C' imprinted on the back of this egg