navygreen: Heather checks out more decorations
navygreen: Heather and me (Zippy 2 Thunders)
navygreen: Lunch
navygreen: Heather helps A.J. mine for 'gold'
navygreen: Philip and Grammy babysit a sleeping Catherine
navygreen: All the kids together
navygreen: A.J. plays GameBoy with a new friend (one of Heather's relatives)
navygreen: Claudia has a bottle and a snuggle
navygreen: He "helps" Heather pull gifts out of boxes
navygreen: Jack is nearby for gift-opening
navygreen: Jack and the little girl kept hiding in the window curtains
navygreen: Heather's dad
navygreen: Heather J. and Claudia
navygreen: Matt and Heather's mom