@naveen: cape buffalo skull
@naveen: lone ranger
@naveen: mount meru from arusha national park
@naveen: arusha camp cook
@naveen: first night's camp
@naveen: justin
@naveen: DSCF5771
@naveen: justin, ben, bonaventure
@naveen: bonaventure
@naveen: ben hadid
@naveen: shira plateau camp.
@naveen: shira plateau.
@naveen: leaving Shira plateau
@naveen: Moir hut
@naveen: Moir Hut
@naveen: Moir Hut Camp
@naveen: Mount Meru off in the distance
@naveen: the trek.
@naveen: Meru off over the clouds
@naveen: The trek to Arrow Camp
@naveen: From Arrow Camp, looking up at the peak
@naveen: Arrow Camp
@naveen: Arrow Camp
@naveen: A panorama from Arrow Camp look at Mt Kilimanjaro's peaks
@naveen: Sunset at Arrow Camp
@naveen: Remains of the glacier
@naveen: the glacier
@naveen: a piece of the glacier
@naveen: Heat from a sink hole carved a smooth hole in the glacier; the hole probably connects to the crater's ash pit.
@naveen: Crater camp, just below the summit