navci: Group Photo 2015
navci: Group Photo 2015
navci: Group Photo 2015
navci: Col. Fluffington
navci: Col Fluffington at the tea party table
navci: Col Fluffington at the tea party table
navci: Happy Easter
navci: Christmas Kitties
navci: Christmas Kitties
navci: Sir Mittens in the wild
navci: Sir Mittens in the wild
navci: I haven't done any doll thing for a while because life and laziness. XD
navci: Babyhobocat (prolly isn't his name) won't get finished until I am moved into my new place. I have to say, I didn't know how hard it is to face up a Cheshire Cat and have a lot more respect for people who try! That cheeky grin doesn't draw itself to instan
navci: Surprise doll!!!
navci: Ordered!
navci: Col. Fluffington
navci: Col. Fluffington
navci: Happy Canada Day!