navah.w: Hot peppers!
navah.w: Red and white
navah.w: Beautiful tomatoes
navah.w: Colors of peppers
navah.w: Peppers!
navah.w: Colorful tomatoes
navah.w: Tiny hot peppers!
navah.w: Lots of peppers!
navah.w: Birds over the water
navah.w: Birds in flight
navah.w: Flight
navah.w: Beach birds
navah.w: Beach day!
navah.w: A beautiful day
navah.w: A seagull gentleman
navah.w: Ruffled feathers
navah.w: Crab!
navah.w: Ronen's crab
navah.w: Crabs!
navah.w: Seagull and child
navah.w: Going for it
navah.w: Yell!
navah.w: Seagull up high
navah.w: Seagull hunting
navah.w: Seagull searches
navah.w: Seagull stands there
navah.w: Fly away!
navah.w: Mine!
navah.w: I gotta clam
navah.w: Coming straight at you