★Ruby Tuesday★: 2016-08-19_06-00-38
★Ruby Tuesday★: 2016-08-19_05-59-37
★Ruby Tuesday★: 2016-08-19_05-58-55
★Ruby Tuesday★: Aunque muera el verano y tenga prisa el invierno la primavera sabe que la espero en Madrid...
★Ruby Tuesday★: BLOOMING BOKEH
★Ruby Tuesday★: think coloured!!!!;-)
★Ruby Tuesday★: In green and blue...
★Ruby Tuesday★: Sunset in Isla Mujeres!!!
★Ruby Tuesday★: Let it snow... :-)
★Ruby Tuesday★: Staring at the sun...
★Ruby Tuesday★: Salzburg... seen from above!!:-)
★Ruby Tuesday★: Bavarian Blues
★Ruby Tuesday★: Walk of colours...
★Ruby Tuesday★: You and me on the Top of the World...
★Ruby Tuesday★: The King of Fairies...
★Ruby Tuesday★: THE EAGLE'S VIEW...
★Ruby Tuesday★: MESSICO E NUVOLE
★Ruby Tuesday★: Stop and STARE!!!
★Ruby Tuesday★: Riding... in the New Forest!!!
★Ruby Tuesday★: The Journey
★Ruby Tuesday★: "Flower Power"... per le vie di Salisbury, Aprile 2013.
★Ruby Tuesday★: Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire, England.
★Ruby Tuesday★: WONDERLAND...
★Ruby Tuesday★: The London Eye at the blue hour.
★Ruby Tuesday★: La tienda de las hamacas (on the road to Chichen Itza);-))!!!
★Ruby Tuesday★: Spreading colours...
★Ruby Tuesday★: Noi fummo i gattopardi... interno di Palazzo Biscari, Catania.
★Ruby Tuesday★: A new challenge begins
★Ruby Tuesday★: R U looking at me??
★Ruby Tuesday★: Vecchie Tradizioni di Sicilia...