urban growth/rural decay - revisted
urban growth/rural decay - revisted
urban growth/rural decay - revisted
urban growth/rural decay - revisted
urban growth/rural decay - revisted
urban growth/rural decay - revisted
urban growth, rural decay on Vista
urban growth, rural decay on Vista
urban growth, rural decay on Vista
urban growth, rural decay on Vista
rural decay / urban growth - couch
rural decay / urban growth - fenced
rural decay / urban growth - stilted
rural decay / urban growth - lounge
rural decay / urban growth - dining
rural decay / urban growth
rural decay / urban growth - bedroom flare
rural decay / urban growth - inside out
rural decay / urban growth - sheds
rural decay / urban growth - jar
Desolate crone
panes and plains
Conflicted view
web unweaved
lace and wood
The other farm shed
Farm shed