Lucky Grandpa: Naughty Grandma in a hotel bedroom near Santander, Spain. Polite comments are welcome.
Lucky Grandpa: Naughty Grandma in a hotel bedroom near Santander, Spain. Polite comments are welcome.
Lucky Grandpa: Naughty Grandma in the cabin. Polite comments are welcome.
Lucky Grandpa: Naughty Grandma in the bedroom. Polite comments are welcome.
Lucky Grandpa: A still frame from Naughty Grandma's "Hair Dry" video. Read the VIDEOS section on my About page to see more. Polite comments are welcome.
Lucky Grandpa: Naughty Grandma in a guest bedroom. Polite comments are welcome.
Lucky Grandpa: Naughty Grandma tries on her new blue dress which was kindly gifted by whizzbang75. Polite comments are welcome.
Lucky Grandpa: Naughty Grandma in the bedroom. Polite comments are welcome.
Lucky Grandpa: Naughty Grandma in the bedroom. Polite comments are welcome.