naugastyle: Mermaid prep
naugastyle: Mermaid prep
naugastyle: Mermaid prep
naugastyle: Clique
naugastyle: Thingyan 09, Jackson Heights
naugastyle: Thingyan 09, Jackson Heights
naugastyle: Thingyan 09, Jackson Heights
naugastyle: Thingyan 09, Jackson Heights
naugastyle: Santa eats mon di, Mrauk U
naugastyle: Shittaung Pagoda, Mrauk U
naugastyle: Mrauk U
naugastyle: Breakfast @ Golden Star hotel
naugastyle: Andaw Paya, Mrauk U
naugastyle: Win Win at Haritaung, Mrauk U
naugastyle: Denim crew
naugastyle: Alms collection, Kyaukme
naugastyle: Novice monk, Kyaukme
naugastyle: Morning market, Kyaukme
naugastyle: Morning market, Kyaukme
naugastyle: Alms collection, Kyaukme
naugastyle: Paw Son
naugastyle: Padaung girl
naugastyle: Weaving cooperative
naugastyle: Helon village
naugastyle: View of Mt. Mulanje
naugastyle: Collecting wood, Mt. Mulanje
naugastyle: Lichenya Plateau, Mt. Mulanje
naugastyle: Chitakale Tea Estate
naugastyle: Mickey ears, Njobvu village
naugastyle: Spot the Azungu