MortenHpictures: A wet drive
MortenHpictures: Sunrise in Lamu
MortenHpictures: Giraffe in Nairobi National Park
MortenHpictures: Two lions
MortenHpictures: Sten i vann_edited-1.jpg
MortenHpictures: Boats in Lamu
MortenHpictures: Rhino goes to town
MortenHpictures: Underground in Twilight
MortenHpictures: Göteborg april mai 2006 027_edited-1.jpg
MortenHpictures: Nordbytjernet
MortenHpictures: Nordbytjernet/Romerike folkehøgskole
MortenHpictures: Sarpsborg
MortenHpictures: Rift Valley
MortenHpictures: Spring flowers
MortenHpictures: Sarpsborg kirke
MortenHpictures: London Eye
MortenHpictures: Lion looking for lunch
MortenHpictures: Göteborg april mai 2006 005_edited-1.jpg
MortenHpictures: Belfast; a couple of days in Spring 2006
MortenHpictures: Gateshead bridge