London Permaculture: A quick sketch!
London Permaculture: Testing it out...
London Permaculture: The tin is opened - perfect artist's charcoal!
London Permaculture: Tin is removed from the fire box the following morning...
London Permaculture: Rayburn closed down for the night
London Permaculture: 'Micro-kiln' placed in the Rayburn fire box last thing at night before shutting it down
London Permaculture: Willow cuttings of various thicknesses placed in the tin
London Permaculture: Hammer and nail used to make ventilation holes in the tin lid
London Permaculture: Ventilation holes
London Permaculture: Biscuit tin left over from work place Xmas feastings...
London Permaculture: Willow withies at the forest garden before cutting