NatureScot Images:
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A spider crab amongst colonial sea squirts - Taynish rapids, Loch Sween
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Painted goby and a sea squirt in the mouth of an old jar
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Three sea slugs feeding on a snakelocks anemone
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A common starfish on seagrass in Linne Mhuicirh, Loch Sween
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Sea slugs feeding on hydroids
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A common shore crab with maerl - Taynish narrows, Loch Sween
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Shallow seaweed communities
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A spider crab decorated with hydroids and orange sponges
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A colourful sea slug with hydroids and seaweeds
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A green snakelocks anemone on seagrass in Linne Mhurich, Loch Sween
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An edible crab in a maerl encrusted bottle in Coal Scotish, Loch Sween
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Painted goby and a sea squirt in the mouth of an old jar
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A burrowing anemone amongst seagrass in Loch Sween
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A common shore crab semi buried in a maerl bed in Loch Sween (2 of 2)
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Divers eye view of snowy shoreline and seaweeds in the shallow water
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A black brittlestar on maerl
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A crab digging in muddy sand - Linne Mhurich, Loch Sween
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A clump of sea squirts on soft mud with worm casts
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A snakelock's anemone with black brittlestars - Taynish rapids, Loch Sween
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A spiny starfish with gas mantle ascidians and hydroids
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Horseshoe worms - Caol Scotnish, Loch Sween
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Spaghetti worm tentacles
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A common shore crab with seagrass
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A spider crab amongst gas mantle ascidians
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Large solitary sea squirts in Linne Mhurich, Loch Sween
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A common starfish on a sea squirt
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Close-up of a small anemone with seaweeds
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Close-up of a maerl rhodolith in the Taynish rapids, Loch Sween
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A white anemone on a boulder in the Taynish rapids, Loch Sween