NatureScot Images:
Juvenile swimming crab on seagrass
NatureScot Images:
A common shore crab with maerl - Taynish rapids, Loch Sween
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Harbour crab
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A hermit crab
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Edible crab on a maerl bed
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Harbour crab on survey measure
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A harbour crab with hydroids and barnacles on a horse mussel bed
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Common shore crab
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Close-up of a partially buried edible crab
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A crab amongst a colouful animal turf in a cave at North Rona
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A common shore crab on soft mud
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Close-up of shore crab
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Close-up of shore crab
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A common shore crab on drift kelp in the Taynish rapids, Loch Sween
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A common shore crab with maerl - Taynish narrows, Loch Sween
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Edible crab
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Velvet swimming crab
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Hermit crab on seagrass
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Spider crab on seagrass
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Common shore crab
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A velvet swimming crab
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A small crab on seagrass in Whiting Bay, Arran
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Edible crab
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Hermit crab on seagrass blade
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A hermit crab with decorated shell
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Spider crab
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Edible crab on kelp
NatureScot Images:
A spider crab amongst colonial sea squirts - Taynish rapids, Loch Sween
NatureScot Images:
Juvenile crab