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A bivalve siphon emerging from the North Strome maerl bed, Loch Carron
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A burrowing sea cucumber protruding from a maerl bed - North Strome, Loch Carron
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Close-up of a painted goby on the North Strome maerl bed, Loch Carron (3)
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Dense live maerl with bivalve shells at Pladda-Kildonan, South Arran
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Close-up of a branching maerl 'hedgehog' amongst seaweeds
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A painted goby on the North Strome maerl bed, Loch Carron (3)
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A sand mason worm
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Maerl bed in Caol Scotnish rapids with common and black brittlestars
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An anemone in a maerl bed
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A spiny starfish on a maerl bed in the Caol Scotnish rapids
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Edible crab on a maerl bed
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Anemone on maerl gravel
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Longspined sea-scorpion on maerl
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Seven armed starfish
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Sand mason worm on maerl
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Close-up of maerl with Corallina officinalis and amphipod tubes in Taynish rapids
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A common shore crab with maerl - Taynish rapids, Loch Sween
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Survey diver with video camera on the Caol Scotinish rapids maerl bed (portrait 3)
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A king scallop on maerl
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A queen scallop on the Caol Scotnish rapids maerl bed amongst maerl and common brittlestars
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Maerl and seagrass habitats in the Sound of Barra
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Diverse tidal narrows seabed habitats with mixed kelps
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Maerl bed in Caol Scotnish rapids with common brittlestars and brown algae
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Maerl bed in Caol Scotnish rapids with sea squirts, common and black brittlestars and brown algae
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A bottle heavily encrusted by coralline seaweed is home for this butterfish in Caol Scotinish, Loch Sween
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Close-up of painted goby on maerl
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Maerl bed in Caol Scotnish rapids with common brittlestars
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Maerl bed in the Taynish rapids with Corallina officinalis and brown seaweeds
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A flame shell on a maerl bed with red and green seaweeds - outer Loch Carron
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A peacock worm on the maerl bed in Coal Scotnish rapids