naturesam9: Lichen
naturesam9: Strawberry jam mould up close
naturesam9: Strawberry jam mould now growing on my window sill
naturesam9: Strawberry jam mould in the jar
naturesam9: A2 TH
naturesam9: Lichen, Moss or Algae?
naturesam9: Yellow Lichen
naturesam9: Double sided Lichen
naturesam9: Brachythecium veluntinum Moss with dew
naturesam9: Wasp gathering lichen?
naturesam9: 'Explosive' Moss
naturesam9: Coral branching Lichen?
naturesam9: Psoroma hypnorum
naturesam9: Fulgensia bracteata
naturesam9: Lobaria amplissima
naturesam9: Cladonia squamosa
naturesam9: Lichen
naturesam9: Possibly Cladonia portentosa?
naturesam9: Cladonia fimbriata
naturesam9: Xanthoria parietina
naturesam9: 4 feet under, 9 inches away
naturesam9: Lichen
naturesam9: Lichen
naturesam9: Lichen Orange
naturesam9: Lichen on a tree bark
naturesam9: Lichen
naturesam9: Lichen and Moss on a grave stone
naturesam9: Lichen on a grave stone
naturesam9: Lichen on a grave stone
naturesam9: Moss on a tree trunk