Nature Remains:
vernal pool in winter
Nature Remains:
Cope's gray treefrog calling
Nature Remains:
Cope's gray treefrog on finger
Nature Remains:
Cope's gray treefrog in pool
Nature Remains:
Spotted Salamander embryos
Nature Remains:
Spotted Salamander embryos
Nature Remains:
Western Chorus frog in pool
Nature Remains:
Spotted Salamander embryos
Nature Remains:
Spotted Salamander embryos hatching
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva in pool
Nature Remains:
Spotted Salamander egg masses
Nature Remains:
Spotted Salamander in pool
Nature Remains:
Jefferson salamander larva in pool with woodfrog tadpoles
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jafferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva eating from hand
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva in pool
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander eggs
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva
Nature Remains:
Jefferson Salamander larva with woodfrog tadpole
Nature Remains:
Baby woodfrog on finger
Nature Remains:
woodfrog tadpoles in pool
Nature Remains:
woodfrog tadpoles hatching
Nature Remains:
woodfrog tadpoles