naturenps: Zebra-tailed lizard. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.ME_1
naturenps: Biodiversity youth ambassador Dara receiving certificate. NPS photo.
naturenps: GR_04
naturenps: GR_04b_large
naturenps: Student Conservation Association intern sorting aquatic life. Photo by NPS/Ginny Reams.
naturenps: GR_07
naturenps: BioBlitz participant and youth ambassador Dara examining a pool of water for signs of life. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: BioBlitz participant and youth ambassador Dara examining a pool of water for signs of life. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Rattlesnake. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Rattlesnake. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Rattlesnake. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Rattlesnake. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Ecologist Evan Gwilliam performing an aquatic survey. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Ecologist Evan Gwilliam performing an aquatic survey. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Youth ambassador Dara nets aquatic insects. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Ecologist Evan Gwilliam examines aquatic insects. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: SCA intern performing water quality calculations. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Ecologist Evan Gwilliam and youth ambassador Dara examining an owl pellet. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Youth ambassador Dara. NPS photo.
naturenps: Desert toad. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: NPS photo.
naturenps: NPS photo.
naturenps: Saguaro cactus. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Valyssa and Dara with their Biodiversity University PhDs. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Passing the official flag to Rocky Mountain National Park for the 2012 BioBlitz. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Youth ambassadors Valyssa and Dara. Photo by NPS/Todd M. Edgar.
naturenps: Saguaro National Park. NPS photo.
naturenps: Saguaro National Park. NPS photo.
naturenps: Saguaro National Park. NPS photo.
naturenps: Saguaro National Park. NPS photo.